Union Hybrid Meeting Instructions

All registration links can be found on our website by going to the calendar (https://www.smartlocal71.com/calendarview) and clicking on the Union Meeting that you would like to register for.   This will be the process for any future Hybrid meetings as well. 

Want to attend virtually?  Follow the instructions below to participate virtually. 


Technical Requirements - The virtual meeting will be conducted via Zoom.  Members wishing to participate virtually will need to ensure they have the required technology to connect to a Zoom meeting, including a reliable internet connection and a device with audio visual capabilities.  Participants will be required to have their camera on for the duration of the meeting.

Registration - Members attending virtually will need to register in advance using the link provided in the Union Meeting calendar event on our website (https://www.smartlocal71.com/calendarview) and will have to provide their name, IA number, phone number and email address.  Registration will be open until 1:00 pm on the day of the meeting.  After registration is closed, approved members will receive a meeting invite via email, no later than 4 hours in advance of the meeting.  Participants will use the link in the email to join the meeting.  Please do not share the Zoom meeting link with anyone. 


Joining - Please login at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the meeting to allow us sufficient time to admit all eligible members.  Be sure to use your own name when logging in to avoid any delays.  Participants will be placed in a waiting room until their eligibility is verified, at which point they will be released into the meeting room.  No one will be admitted after the meeting has begun. 

Participation - Members will be muted upon entry and will be unmuted as needed.  Questions or comments should be submitted in the chat box, which will be monitored throughout the meeting. 

At the start of the meeting, members with more than one person listening will be instructed to announce the identity of those present and their IA number.  Please remember that recording of the meeting is prohibited by the SMART Constitution and any member who records a union meeting will be subject to charges.


Zoom Help Center - https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us

E-mail – avogl@smartlocal71.com

Phone – (716) 835-8836 ext. 403

You can watch a video on joining a meeting by clicking here or going to  https://zoom.us and searching ‘joining a meeting’ in the support center.


Spring 2023 Newsletter


Election Day is Tuesday, November 8th, 2022